
Four seasons of knitting

8:15 PM

Helga Isager must be one of the most talented knitwear designers. After participating in the LemonKAL I knew that I wanted to knit more of her designs. LemonKAL was organized by Jonna Hietala who had translated Isager's book Finstickat into Finnish (Neuleiden neljä vuodenaikaa), so the next logical step would be to get the book and see what's in there. I thought that I would only take a look at the book and the designs so I signed up on the library queue for the book. I was thinking that I would save some money by borrowing the book instead of buying it. Fail. Epic fail. Take my word on this: you will not save money if you get your hands on this book!

After a couple of months of waiting I finally got the book and couldn't let it down on the first evening. Of course, I had to get online to see what where the yarn options. Unfortunately, my favorite LYS was almost out of stock for most of the colors that I wanted to get. Now the smart thing to do would have been to buy yarn for the first item that I wanted to knit and then get more once the first one is finished. Would have been. Then again you can also search for an online yarn store that has all the colors you want and order it all on the first night of getting your hands on the book. I'm so glad that my exchange student year in Germany wasn't in vain, as I was able to purchase the yarn from a German web shop! Then it was just about refreshing the DHL delivery status daily, waiting for my package to arrive in Finland... And it's finally here!

The book features four seasons of knitwear in beautiful pictures. I think I will end up buying the book as well after all, as it's such a gem to flip through and think about future knitting projects.

I noticed that I have currently 12 WIPs on the needles, so I will be finishing those before casting on any of these babies. NOT! I'm pretty sure that the first one will be on the needles tonight. But with a stash enhancement this expensive I decided to do what the more experienced stashers do: pack the rest of the yarns in sealed plastic bags. Just in case.

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12 kommenttia

  1. Tuo kirja on vastustamaton! :) ja langat, tietty!

    1. Vastuttamattomuus tuli juuri todistettua... Harmillisesti kaikki mitä halusin neuloa on tehty samoilla langoilla, joten tätä ostosta ei nyt voi perustella edes uusiin lankoihin tutustumisella!

  2. Ihania lankoja! Varmastikaan ei malta olla ottamatta niitä mahdollisimman pian puikoille. En olekaan tuohon kirjaan vielä tutustunut..uskaltaakohan sitä edes tämän postauksen jälkeen? ;)

  3. What are you gonna knit from there? A full list, please :D Love the stash, I must say.

    1. The full list is pictured above, with yarn for each pattern. Ok. Snowdrop, Robin, Pine, and... the fourth one.

  4. The book looks really inspiring! What a superb photography! And all this yarn goodness! Oh my! Enjoy!

    1. It's such a lovely book! I would recommend it even if you don't understand Finnish - you could just enjoy the photography :)

  5. Mielettömän ihania lankoja <3 Tuo kirja on ihan huippu.

    1. Kyllä! Snowdrop pääsi heti puikoille, teen sitä ihan vaan vähän joka ilta palkinnoksi edistettyäni muita keskeneräisiä hommia :D

  6. Oliko Saksasta tilattuna Isagerin langat postikuluineen edullisempia kuin esim. Kerässä?

    1. Muistaakseni oli sen verran edullisempia, että postikuluineen jäi snadisti alle Kerän hintojen, mikä näin helsinkiläiselle tarkoittaa Kerän postikulujen tai junalippujen verran säästöä. Mutta kyllä tietty näin suomalaisena pienyrittäjänä mieluummin tukisi toista suomalaista pienyrittäjää ja syy Saksasta tilaamiseen oli tosiaan tuo mainittu haaste Kerän valikoimassa tuohon aikaan. Nythän siellä taitaa taas hyllyt pursuilla Isagerin ja muidenkin lankoja, ja onneksi työmatka Tampereelle tulossa :)


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