
Craftivism: Welcome to Finland!

7:46 PM

With the refugee crisis going on in Europe, many people start uttering extreme comments about immigrants, or even dressing up in bed sheets waving our precious Finnish flag in a context where I would prefer not to see it. So why not show the flag in a more positive context?

Refugee Hospitality Club organizes a sock knitting project to give knitters a way to help refugees. Obviously, knitting a pair of socks is not going to make a difference in the refugee crisis that we are having, but it is not meant to do that. What it is meant to do is to welcome one person to our country, showing that I personally knitted this pair of socks for you so your feet wouldn't be cold in our cold country. I liked the idea, so here's the result.

Pattern: Improvised, with help from Ullaneule
Yarn: Novita 7 veljestä, blue and white (total 106 g)
Needles: double pointed 4 mm

Again, a charity project is also an opportunity to learn a new technique. I don't really like to knit socks, so I've never tried to knit them toe-up. For a first try, the end result is not too bad, but I'm not perfectly happy with them either. For me, the heel doesn't look that good, so I might have to try another heel for the next pair. Another bonus with this project was to use up this yarn; leftovers from a weird project many years ago.

As I'm not really a sock knitter, I thought that I was immune to the Second Sock Syndrome. I mean, if you're knitting socks, then you just simply knit two of them and get done with it, right? Well, as I was digging through my sock yarn stash I came across evidence proving that it happens to the best of us:

For the pink fair isle pair it's a classic case of running out of yarn. That pair is getting frogged. Then for the others, I have no idea. The baby sock looks nice, so I think I'll just knit another one of those and pack the pair for the refugees. Then there's the rainbow sock, which actually looks nice, so I must have ran out yarn with that one as well (or maybe broke up with the intended recipient? I mean, it's been a decade since I was knitting that sock...). Now digging in my stash I found some black sock yarn, so I might just finish that pair for myself. And then there's the weird white sock. I have no idea. And no intention on doing anything but frog the horrible item.

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7 kommenttia

  1. oh wow, what a great idea to help refugees feel more welcome! I don't think people realize how terrible things had to be in Syria for them to leave (think what would have to motivate you to walk away from everything you have at home, and chance it on foot or by boat over borders unknown). This is a really great positive thing to show some care.

    1. Thank you! I hope someone feels welcome when he's wearing these socks.

  2. Beautiful knitting for a great cause!

  3. Hi Katrine.

    I have just arrived in Helsinki and I would like to make good use of my free time. I like your ideas of knitting socks to refuggess and the octopuses for premature babies. In the past I have done some sewing to grieving mothers and also cared of abandoned cats and finding them new homes. I would like to know where can I find out any knitting club or some sort of place so I can learn knitting and put my skills to a good cause here in Finland.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Cristina,
      Welcome to Finland :) I'm glad you want to help and knitting is a great way to do it. These "craftivism" projects haven't been my idea, though, and, unfortunately, I don't know of any knitting clubs where you could learn to knit (everyone learns to knit at school in Finland!). I have spotted these projects in a Facebook knitting group called "Neulonta" (knitting). It's mostly in Finnish, but maybe you could join the group and ask there? Knitters are usually super friendly and I'm sure you'll get some suggestions there.

      Thanks for visiting my blog!


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